Are you trading your freedom for a title?

Although I’m an entrepreneur and influencer, I also work a 9-5 (yeah it’s a lot, I know lol). I recently decided to turn down a seemingly great opportunity – a promotion with a higher salary, clout, more visibility – and more responsibility.

Six or seven years ago I would’ve jumped at the opportunity! But these last few years (especially this last one), hubby and I have been more focused where want to be years from now. I want to be more fulfilled in my career, while staying on track with goals for our family and home life.

So here are a few reasons why I decided not to trade my freedom for a few bucks.

If money is the only reason you’re staying at your job, you need to do some serious soul-searching so that you can find long-term focus.

The best thing for your career is to stop chasing money. Sounds counterintuitive, right? I mean…we’ve all got bills! But hear me out…the money will find you! Here’s why…

A bigger salary is a temporary fix

(This one can apply to you entrepreneurs too, because trust me, I’ve had a few clients that just weren’t worth the headache.)

Eventually changing jobs for financial gain will begin to lose its lustre. You’ll only be satisfied for so long because there’s no staying power. Think about it – you get a pay increase, and you’re really excited, right? But then the “newness” wears off after a few months. If working for money is your sole motivation, you’ll always be on an emotional roller coaster of chasing the dollar. There has to be a need, motivation, or purpose in your career. For me, the turning point was when I realized that compensation alone wouldn’t cut it anymore. I need to work with company with a vision that would drive me AND respect my life outside of work.

Finding a balance between work and home helps you become a more valuable employee

Doesn’t make sense? Let me help.  When work-life balance became more important, I began to seek ways to be more fulfilled at work and home. For instance, family time and vacations are an important part of that balance, and provide lifelong memories for all of us. So find a hobby or interest that is non-work related. Schedule time with yourself. For me working out, coloring, or getting my weekly massage are my go-to interests. Whatever that thing is for you, do it! Learn a language, art or an instrument…this will make you much more balanced and creative at work. Having a life outside of work proved to me how vital it is to be my best self for my employer.

Focus on adding value, and the money will come

Always start with value first – not on the money and title! Once I began to change my focus, I found more meaning in my role as a communications professional, consultant, wife, mom, sister, daughter, and friend. I felt more well-rounded and fulfilled in life. So yes, having pride in whatever work product you create should be your focus first and foremost. Produce the best you can and the monetary reward will happen on its own.

Focusing on money provides you with a temporary satisfaction that will not last! If that’s the only reason you’re working at a company, you need to do some serious soul-searching so that you can find long-term focus. Discover your purpose and figure out what it is that you want besides the money. I want you to turn your eyes away from the dangling carrot and be the best at what you do. Providing real value to your company will indirectly result in true compensation – without chasing after it or forcing it.

I’m no millionaire yet – at least not monetarily. But from a quality of life perspective I’m wealthy! Money isn’t the answer to true happiness…take it from me.

Are you guilty of chasing the dangling carrot at work? How’d it end up for you? Let me know below.

If you’re struggling to find a way to get your eyes off of the salary, and end up with a more fulfilling, aligned career, join me for the 30-Day Career Level-Up Bootcamp!